Welcome to the Holiday Gift Giveaway Hop! Lots of planning has gone into this Hop with over 200 blogs involved. I'm excited to have 3 sponsors for this event, and will be picking 3 winners! Have fun hopping and good luck! Please consider bookmarking the sponsors to check back with them after the hop.
US Prize:
Connie Needles with Scentsy is giving away a $25 gift certificate.

US and Canada:
RCI Custom Seats & Accessories is giving away a $10 gift certificate. They make hand tooled, hand laced, high quality leather bike seats, wrist cuffs, and belts. They use only the highest grade heavy, raw veggie tanned leather and design to fit your style.
Time to Sew is giving away a $20 gift certificate that can be used on the etsy shop and/or the store. New items added daily, so check back often. Custom orders are also welcome.
Find them on facebook.
Main Entry:
Follow publicly on Google Friend Connect AND tell me what country you live in.
**Please leave your email address in your comments so that I have a way to contact you if you win.**
Bonus Entries:1. Like Time to Sew on facebook.
2. Subscribe to my blog by email.
3. Sign up for Time to Sew's email updates.
4. Comment with your favorite holiday tradition.
5. Comment and tell me something on your Christmas wish list.
Giveaway ends on December 5, 2010 at 11:59pm EST. Winners will be selected by random.org, notified by email, and will have 48 hours to reply back before a new winner is selected.
Happy Holiday Hopping!
Thanks to the blogs who worked so hard to put the Holiday Gift Giveaway Hop together!!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 312 Newer› Newest»I follow via gfc & live in the US!
chacoyaguayo at yahoo dot com
Thank you for the opportunity!
You make some adorable items;}
Following on Facebook:ChacoyAguayo
chacoyaguayo at yahoo dot com
Every year we go to Midnight Mass then go to my moms house for pesole(a mexican soup) and by the time we get home from church 'Santa' came so when we are finished eating we open presents!
chacoyaguayo at yahoo dot com
Fabric! I am just learning to sew and want some cute fabric to 'try' and make cute creations for my son!
{He is older and I need to make some unique but 'cool' things for him to wear}
chacoyaguayo at yahoo dot com
Thanks again for the opportunity!
I am following via GFC
I am following via GFC from the US!
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@Robin Kampfer
Maid service and carpet cleaning is on my Christmas wish list this year!
Follow via GFC!
One of my favorite holiday traditions is to bake a bunch of goodies and bring them to friends, family, and neighbors!
Something on my wishlist is one of those personalized mommy necklaces. I've wanted one for years and I'm hoping that this is the year I get it!
Following you via gfc and I am in the US.
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Alisha K
My favorite Holiday Tradition is making Christmas Cookies and Candy on Christmas Eve.
A slicone cupcake pan is on my wish list.
I am following on GFC!
I'm in the US
I can't wait to call my Nuderma on Christmas morning and tell her we love her. We made it a tradition last year!
I have a sewing machine on my wishlist. I don't know how to use on but can't wait to learn:)
I 'like' on FB (lauri mei)
~Lauri M (lulu)
I have a very soft warm and cozy sweater on my wishlist!
~Lauri M (lulu)
My favorite holiday tradition is sitting around the fire playing games!
~Lauri M (lulu)
I follow using GFC in USA
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(Tamara Bennington)
Email subscriber.
RSS subscriber.
Love decorating the house together as a family.
My wish list I would love to have some financial breathing room
I am following you via GFC and I live in the US
i like time to sew on FB
my favorite holiday tradition is Christmas Eve. We go to church as a whole family, and then head to someone's house for a casual dinner. We "track" Santa online and the younger kids are allowed to open one gift before bed. so fun!
something on my christmas list this year is a kindle!
I follow you on GFC
And I'm from North Carolina, USA
signed up for Time to Sew's email updates
I love to spend Christmas Eve with my hubby's family!!
1 thing on my Christmas list:
my hubby and I will be celebrating our 15 year anniversary right after Christmas and I would love a honeymoon:)
I'm a GFC follower
i live in the US
heatheranya at hotmail dot com
we just started doing the elf on the shelf this year with my daughter. i think it's going to be one of our favorite traditions!
heatheranya at hotmail dot com
all i want for christmas is a finished basement!!
heatheranya at hotmail dot com
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GFC follower- U.S.
Like on FB- Beth Willis
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Kaspur1212 (at) gmail (dot) com
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Kaspur1212 (at) gmail (dot) com
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Kathy P
kathypersons at yahoo dot com
We love to go Christmas Caroling
kathypersons at yahoo dot com
I would love a new Babylock Serger
kathypersons at yahoo dot com
I follow via Google friend connect. US. strawberry_sweetheart39@yahoo.com
I like Time To Sew on facebook. user name Sally Grubbs. strawberry_sweetheart39@yahoo.com
I subscribe to your blog by email. strawberry_sweetheart39@yahoo.com
I signed up for your email updates. strawberry_sweetheart39@yahoo.com
Favorite holiday tradition is going out and looking at the beautiful lights. strawberry_sweetheart39@yahoo.com
On my Christmas wish list is a dish washer. strawberry_sweetheart39@yahoo.com
google friend follower (Snowflake07)
hotpepper71 at bell south dot Net
I'm in the USA.
email subscriber
hotpepper71 at bell south dot Net
My favorite Holiday tradition is decorating the tree. I just love it!
hotpepper71 at bell south dot Net
On my Christmas wish list is some reusable snack baggies. :-)
GFC follower
I follow via GFC!
mommyminded at gmail dot com
I love baking Jesus a birthday cake with the kids to celebrate Christmas!
mommyminded at gmail dot com
I have a camera on my list this year!
mommyminded at gmail dot com
I live in the USA.
Following via GFC in US!
Canadian Follower via GFC :)
sueboobadoo at gmail dot com
usa mverno@roadrunner.com
I follow via gfc (happi shopr) in the US. trinitygsd at yahoo dot com
I follow on GFC and I'm in the US
GFC follower in Canada
simplystacieblog at gmail dot com
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simplystacieblog at gmail dot com
GFC follwer (shay) I'm in the US.
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FB name: sherrie seruntine cruson
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Our family's favorite holiday tradition is gathering together on Christmas eve for a nice meal and gift giving.
My Christmas Wish - Having my son home from college for Christmas.
gfc follower (USA)
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
like on fb (michelle b)
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I love watching the thanksgiving macy's parade on thanksgiving morning with my kids
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I want either an ipad or ereader
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I am a new GFC follower,
Charlotte Kay
chakasa58 at gmail dot com
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Charlotte Bushong Saltzman
chakasa58 at gmail dot com
I am a new email subscriber
chakasa58 at gmail dot com
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chakasa58 at gmail dot com
Our family favorite holiday tradition is attending a Christmas Eve service on the beach in Florida:)
Something on my Christmas wish list:
being with my parents at Christmas after spending the holidays out of state for 13 years!
I am a new follower of your blog and I live in the US. Thanks.
following on gfc
pinkdandyshop at yahoo dot com
following on FB (Janae C)
pinkdandyshop at yahoo dot com
On my Christmas wish list is an electric blanket.
My favorite holiday tradition is decorating the tree with my 3 girls.
pinkdandyshop at yahoo dot com
I really want a new IPOD...mine has seen better days.
pinkdandyshop at yahoo dot com
I follow on GFC in the US
ms.discoverytoys at yahoo dot com
thanks :)
I follow your blog..:-)
mistyfuji (at) yahoo (dot) com
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mistyfuji (at) yahoo (dot) com
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mistyfuji (at) yahoo (dot) com
My favorite holiday tradition is driving around neighbohoods at night to view the Christmas lights and decorations. I take my 3 kids with me & they love this.
mistyfuji (at) yahoo (dot) com
Congratulations, Laurie Harrison
You are now following ~Time to Sew~
I follow Google Friend Connect Public and Proud!
Thanks for the chance.
geneveve2 at gmail dot com
Following on FB as Laurie Harrison
geneveve2 at gmail dot com
(I'm offering a free night's stay (taxes included) for any USA LaQuinta Inn & Suites!)
Favorite Holiday Tradition is Christmas Caroling. I realize that it is becoming less popular but my little town still does it. It's very enjoyable.
geneveve2 at gmail dor com
Wish List: I do not have a wish list for myself, per say, but I would like to have a new frying pan and/or and electric blanket.
geneveve2 at gmail dot com
A gfc follower US
The only thing I have on my Christmas list is for my children to be happy. It is going to be a slim Christmas so I am just hoping my children aren't dissappointed.
epblack at zoominternet dot net
My favorite Chirstmas tradition is that on Christmas Eve, Rudolph brings my children holiday pjs to wear on Christmas day.
epblack at zoominternet dot net
Follow you on GFC!
cjwallace43 at gmail dot com
Facebook Fan (Cathy Wallace)
cjwallace43 at gmail dot com
i follow on GFC live in US ardtiffany@yahoo.com
my favorite holiday tradition is backing cookies and candies with my kids to give as gifts! ardtiffany@yahoo.com
i have two things on my wish list, 1. for my kids to be happy, 2. a kindle...gotta have something for moma...lol ardtiffany@yahoo.com
I like you on FB
wendyhines at hotmail dot com
wendy hoge hines
GFC follower from US.
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Follow via GFC
Favourite holiday tradition is Noche Buena on Christmas Eve, and opening of Christmas gifts on midnight with the whole family.
Christmas wish list: iPad
Following publicly on GFC :)
Kristinfriesen81 at gmail dot com
Oh! And I live in Canada. One of my favorite traditions is going to the Church candlelight service on Christmas Eve.
On my wish list this year? Well, number one would be pregnancy :P Next up would be an iPad, LOL
Kristinfriesen81 at gmail dot com
GFC follower from USA
following via GFC :)
Thank you for the chance to enter to win such a wonderful giveaway!
angelwcamowings at gmail.com
liked on facebook!
angelwcamowings at gmail.com
subscribed via email
angelwcamowings at gmail.com
I'm hoping to create new family traditions this year with my daughter..since getting married hubby and I haven't been able to really create Christmas Traditions together due to moving and deployments. :) I love just getting together as a family and spending time together...we don't get to see each other very often and I miss my dad and brother!
angelwcamowings at gmail.com
New Living Room furniture is on my list :) we have my dad's old set and I would love something nicer now that our little one will be pulling up on everything. Most of all I just want to enjoy my daughter's first Christmas together as a family :)
angelwcamowings at gmail.com
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favorite holiday tradition is my husband's huge pancakes he makes on christmas morning
on my wish list is a new bracelet
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Joanne Bayles
I want a piano for Christmas...it'll probably stay on my list for at least 5 years, but someday I'll get one!
I love going to look at Christmas lights on Christmas Eve and then acting out the Nativity with my family.
GFC follower in the US
thanks :)
GFC follower!
Rhonda C.
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Rhonda W-C
I follow you on Twitter! @rhonjerm
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my christmas wish list, a new hair flat iron!
follow on FB
my fav holiday tradition is when my family gets together and makes a ton of goodies and then takes them around to our friends
Following your blog.
I'm from the US
calliemist @yahoo.com
Follow via GFC from the US.
Thanks, Karen
lemontart5kb at gmail dot com
I live in the US and follow
I follow and live in the U.S.
P.S. Did you make that quilt? It is beautiful!!!
I like you on Facebook!
Following on GFC from the US!
omgababy at gmail
Following on Facebook as Pick Mason
I really wish Santa would bring me new tires for my car so I didn't have to buy them myself
omgababy at gmail
We pick four or five nights every holiday season and drive around looking at Christmas lights. We have specific "must see" houses and parks that we look forward to seeing how they outdid themselves from years past. We listen to holiday music and usually drink hot chocolate while doing this!
omgababy at gmail
gfc follower in the US.
hewella1 at gmail dot com
I love baking cookies for Santa.
hewella1 at gmail dot com
I'd like to get a Kindle this year.
hewella1 at gmail dot com
I follow via GFC in the US
I like Time to Sew on FB
Chelsei Ryan
A pair of Lucky Brand Boots is on my list.
I'm a GFC follower and I'm in Canada,
Thanks a bunch
I follow in Canada! (email in blogger profile)
My favorite tradition is decorating cookies with my sons!
My wish list? I need a laptop so bad! :)
I follow on GFC! US
lexigurl_17 (at) hotmail (dot) com
I follow you on FB: Alex Herring
lexigurl_17 (at) hotmail (dot) com
I would love to get some new glasses this year!
lexigurl_17 (at) hotmail (dot) com
My favorite tradition is to paint ornaments.
lexigurl_17 (at) hotmail (dot) com
Follow with GFC live in the US
My favorite tradition is to get Christmas P.J.s to open the night before Christmas!
I'm a new follower from US!
I follow via Google Connect and I live in the US
An iPhone 4 is on my xmas wish list this year!
I "LIKE" you on FB (Nicole Pitts)
My favorite holiday tradition is putting up the xmas tree!
One thing on my wish list is Kinect games! We bought the system; we just need more games!
One tradition we have is playing card games Christmas Eve while waiting patiently for Christmas morning!
I'm a GFC follower in the US.
txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com Suzanne Lewis
I liked on facebook.
in the US
My favorite Christmas tradition is eating dinner at Outback Steakhouse on Christmas Eve.
txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com Suzanne Lewis
I have a Temptu on my wishlist.
txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com Suzanne Lewis
I follow you via GFC and live in the US
kpelham8 at yahoo dot com
fan of gfc name purplelover04
I follow you on GFC: Jen-Eighty MPH Mom
mandjregan at gmail dot com
I'm a follower from the US
bmweida at yahoo dot com
Something on my wishlist is a Scentsy warmer and bars! I gave mine to my mom when I was moving and really want another one.
bmweida at yahoo dot com
I follow you gfc
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My favorite traditions is decorating the tree as a family. My girls are young and that is so exciting. We are doing that tonight as a family!
I really want the zumba game for wii!
GFC follower in the U.S.
Favorite holiday tradition is midnight chruch services on Christmas Eve
I like you on Facebook
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One thing on my Christmas list is a down comforter
Follow your blog on Google friend!
Krista W.
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Kristina W.
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